Engaging STEM for a healing world

Building processes for practicing and learning science from an intersectional and heart-centered approach

Our way of doing and teaching science is grounded in the belief that the lab, the classroom and the world are connected, that everybody is an expert in their own environment, and uplifting the voices that have been silenced and excluded is a vital part of working towards a new way of doing science.

Meet the team

Kendra Krueger (she/her) is an intersectional scientist, educator, artist, and woman of color on many edges. Raised by artists and educated as an electrical engineer (BS Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, MS CU Boulder), she is also trained in anti-oppression facilitation, theater, mindfulness, and permaculture/social ecology. Her work and research are a convergence of these many waters. She founded 4LoveandScience in 2014 as a platform to teach transformative science throughout the country. She frequently collaborates with artists to curate and produce multi-media installations and immersive performances around themes of psyche and science. She currently works as a science educator at CUNY’s Advanced Science Research Center where she has founded The Community Sensor Lab as a space for DIY community science and advocacy.

Zahra Hassan (they/them) is an interdisciplinary writer, researcher, and educator from Vienna with roots in Iraq. ​​With a background in journalism, media, anti-discrimination advocacy, and gender justice, they are dedicated to bridging disciplines with an emphasis on the intersection of feminist techno-science, environmental studies, and creative practice. As a Fulbright scholar at Master’s at NYU’s Experimental Humanities and Social Engagement program, their work has been revolving around Iraqi orange trees and what it means to tap into their senses when conducting research. They are currently finishing their debut speculative fiction novel about environmental disaster.

What you will find here:

 A collection of tips and tricks for creating and upgrading STEM lessons, curriculums and learning experiences to be more inclusive, playful, creative and transformative. The audience is for teachers and students .  If you’re like us, you’re both!

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This work has been supported by The Processing Foundation and The Society for Poetic Computation