Read our blog post about the 4Love and Science Class for SFPC here: When we pay attention, we can recognise patterns – repeating cycles – within us – on a human scale – and on a multiplicity of scales replicated in the universe. Moods and moon phases, we are moving closer to the world around us by tuning into the qualities of everyday objects, familiarizing ourselves with their shape, form, density, and our relationship to it. This spurs questions such as: How can we implement rituals and ceremonies to practice rest, explore our consciousness and find echos of it in the structures around us. How can we start building a different relationship with the world around us once we initiate this consciousness and start our own practice? A technology, we find out, can be something inspired by ancient practices of remembering, of storytelling, of shapeshifting. This is what we have been exploring in 4LoveandScience. Throughout our class, we come back to patterns that we find on every scale in the universe, such as a good spiral. Take a look at the technologies that 4LoveandScience participants apply and tell us what non-traditional technology you move closer to, what you notice when you let your senses guide you
When you choose to follow a certain pattern around, ask yourself how you can practice that without using the tools of surveillance and attempting to gain (full) control over it. Ask yourself how you can make sure to go with the movement, and how to make sure not to interrupt or disrupt the cycle that you follow around;
tracking, counting, measuring — all of these very fundamental forms of western science have a history of trying to force natural phenomena into human-made boxes and count them, often with the result that natural phenomena and every research object involved is seen as a resource that is at human’s disposal and there to be taken. How can we not reproduce these forms of interventions? how can we be a part of a pattern for a little while and form this experience into a learning experience that does not flatten out natural relationships and make it a consumer good?