Heart Movement Research

Written by:

Aspen Devilier


Alt text: A collage on a red background with text and pictures. The pictures are of pole dancing juxtaposed with pictures of the spiral nature of the structure of the heart with a reference to the shape of a snake contracting and a picture of a hand laying three fingers along the radial artery of a wrist to feel the shape of the pulse. The text reads: heart movement research, do our ideas of how our hearts move shape us? If the movements of our life force aren’t motivated by pressure ~ if the blood isn’t just a pump ~ it’s shape being a double helix, lending itself to a dynamic spiraling movement that inspires the blood, which is itself full of helical spins ~ how can this inspire our understanding of circulation? Blood: a guiding patterning life-force full of memory. Methodology: pole dancing and pulse diagnosis. What if we get to learn acoustics, resonance, and rhythm in full bodied ways with each other, how to flow and be deformed, how to spin, spin together, spiral and twist, vortex, how to return and be pulled, to feel into the shape of our beating hearts and the stories they tell